Kemény táblák nagy pontosságú, pontosan szögben vágása maximális sebességgel a forgó deszkavágó segítségével a hossz- és keresztirányú vágásokhoz. Könnyű kezelhetőség állítható előtolás és vágási sebességgel. A nyersdarabok vágására szolgáló szalagtár gyorsan és egyszerűen rögzíthető. Csúszásmentes deszka adagolás a behúzható tekercsekhez, hatékony gumi/acél kombinációból.
Műszaki adatok (kattintson a nagyításhoz)


The stitcher head FastStitch Universal 52/8 is used for notebook stitchers from Hohner, Müller Martini, Kolbus, and many other brands, who require a 8mm Stitch for a flat product like notebooks or open thin textbooks. The stitcher head fast stitch universal 52/8 is also used on Bilomatic, Linomatic, Pramod Engineering and other brands who usually are manufacturing machines for binding of text books, magazines and notebooks.
The stitcher head fast stitch universal 52/8 works at upto 12,000 cycles per hour, and 8mm thick books, on the spine, with up to 22 gauge wire. The stitchers are used to make 2-up or 3-up notebook blocks, which are to 1m (1000mm) wide. Crown can be adjusted to various levels. Flat stitch is also possible.
This heavy duty stitcher relies on precision machined parts on CNC systems and die cast components like the unibody, the front assembly and moving blad.
With its optional exchange parts sets for various crown widths, loop diameters and wire types it is one of the most flexible and versatile stitching heads in the market.
Suitable for high speeds of up to 12,000 stitches per hour.
Broad range of staple diversity,
High flexibility due to the availability of optional exchange parts for various stitching and wire types – saves costs
Central adjustment of wire length and stitching thicknesses in seconds
In comparison with the Universal 52/8, operator friendly and tool less wire length adjustment
Removable, very narrow and sturdy centering device
Technical Data (Click to Enlarge)